
There is a cultural standard for men to be strong, confident, and assertive. These are a few traits that are used to describe a masculine man or masculinity in general. However, in every situation there are people that overextend these personality traits, leaning into behavior that can cause harm to themselves or others. This is when cases of sexual assault, domestic violence, and even war in extreme cases come into play. What we have learned through research is that behaviors tend to originate from either upbringing and/or genetics (nurture and nature). You hear stories of children watching their mothers being abused and assume that as a standard for their relationships moving forward; this can cause imbalances and power struggles in relationships. How do we resolve this?

We have come to a place where we’re able to talk about our issues so that we may determine solutions to those issues. However, this requires levels of vulnerability, a trait that isn’t generally associated with masculine characteristics. I see vulnerability as a sign of strength, especially in an age where dangers and judgments lurk around every corner you turn. However, even with this belief, I have to ask myself: is there room for male emotional expression in our society today? Are we aware enough to understand that emotions are part of the human experience? Are we willing to deal with a potential influx of emotions due to the potential suppression of those same emotions in many men, and what that could mean for our societal structures? Where and when are the right places to express these emotions?


Chains & Crowns (2020)